Indoor farming - Earth Day

Ultimation celebrates Earth Day

Ultimation is recognizing Earth Day 2021 by celebrating the progress made on indoor vertical farming systems.

Indoor farming

“It’s now 3 years that our team at Ultimation have been doing large scale indoor vertical farming systems” said Ultimation CEO Jacqueline Canny. “When we did the first facility with Plenty three years ago our team were really excited to work on the project. Now systems like this have become a major segment of our project business. We’re grateful to be doing something good that’s good for business too.”

Ultimation offers a variety of different material handling systems for indoor vertical farming ventures. The technology includes conveyors and material handling products for vertical (hanging) format growth systems and horizontal (sliding/rolling) format growth systems. Material handling systems for these farms can be hand push, motorized or ‘power and free’ style with accumulating buffer banks.