New Video: How to build an Overhead Conveyor

Overhead conveyors are great for many plants because they use the space above the production floor. Ultimation’s Amanda Hill shows how companies can design and install their own Overhead Conveyor using the modular Unibilt System.

“The Ultimation and Jervis Webb Unibilt modular conveyor range is kind of like a LEGO set for overhead conveyors” says Ultimation Marketing Specialist, Amanda Hill. “There is a huge range of pre-engineered components that can be joined together in a multitude of ways. Sometimes it’s easier to show this in a video, so we made this three minute segment to show you how.”

Hill says that many of her customers are able to design and install their own system once they have a good understanding of the components that are necessary and what is required to install them. “The Unibilt system is limited only by the imagination of the team working out the plan. So in addition to the layout that might come from the customer, we normally have some of our Ultimation specialists add some of their ideas as well” she said.

Once a customer has an idea on paper of the path that the conveyor will take, the Ultimation team will assist by creating a Bill of Material (BOM). The BOM for a Unibilt system is basically a parts list for everything that will be required to install the conveyor. Many companies then have their own maintenance team do the installation. Others hire a local contractor, or Ultimation can assist with installation or supervise the company’s own contracted team.