Ultimation completes overhead platform fabrication project for Ford Canada
Ford Motor Company of Canada recently upgraded their paint sealer area, with Ultimation providing overhead platform fabrication and mezzanine systems. Ultimation partnered with Jervis B. Webb company to design and build major sections of the new assembly area. The facilities will support the introduction of new models at the plant. The systems designed and built by Ultimation included overhead platforms, catwalks, stairways, ladders, handrail and assembly line platforms.
Safety requirements for overhead platform fabrication
Overhead platform fabrication projects at Ultimation include detailed civil engineering of the required static and live loads, with all construction performed by certified welders. The stringent requirements of automotive and Canadian government requirements were integrated into the project workplan. Safety requirements for overhead platform systems are rigorous, and our engineers have a great deal of experience with all regulatory and safety requirements. All systems are designed in 3-D CAD software to enable the entire system to be virtually constructed and reviewed before it is built. After CAE (computer aided engineering) analysis, the structure is finalized and a registered professional engineer approves all drawings prior to construction. After construction, drawings are updated to “as built”, with the engineer again reviewing and approving all safety aspects of the structure. Please contact us for your design and fabrication requirements.