Ultimation featured in ‘Crains Detroit Business’
Ultimation was recently featured in Crain’s Detroit Business with new CEO Jacqueline Canny outlining her plans for the company’s growth. Commenting on Ultimation’s plans was Dave Haviland, CEO of Ann Arbor-based business consultancy Phimation Ventures Inc., who said many small businesses, the success possible when government collaborates with business in a positive manner.
like Ultimation, are in a transition phase in which old business practices have become obsolete.
“The recession is in some ways more than a slowdown in the labor market but the transfer of businesses and assets of people who no longer have the understanding or will to operate them in the current business environment,” he said.
“Either you’ve got the right management team now or you’ve got something valuable and worthwhile because you survived the recession, but you need to find someone new to grow your asset.”
For the full article, please go to https://www.crainsdetroit.com/article/20111120/SUB01/311209994/ultimation-s-new-owner-brings-fresh-ideas-to-perk-up-old-business (subscription required)